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Cryptoknowmics 2022-01-20 11:30:55

Pakistan’s FIA Asks Telecom Authority to Block Over 1600 Crypto Sites

Samaa TV reported last Tuesday, citing FIA Director Babur Bakht Qureshi, that Pakistan’s Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has written to the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) seeking a prohibition on the access to more than 1,600 cryptocurrency trading websites. Last week, the director announced his plan to seek the Telecommunications Authority over the shutdown of various crypto websites. Cryptocurrency, he believes, is being used for money laundering. Qureshi said “a list of those involved in the Bitcoin trade is being compiled,” according to the website. When Bitcoin is banned in Pakistan, he says, “These guys would be jailed.” Furthermore, Qureshi stated that those who promote cryptocurrency in Pakistan will be prosecuted. The director was cited as adding, “These persons are on the radar of the agency, and action will be done against them soon.” Pakistan Still Comprehending What To Do with Crypto Pakistan’s government is debating whether or not to ban or regulate Bitcoin. Shibli Faraz, Pakistan’s minister of science and technology, said last Monday during the country’s inaugural blockchain summit, which his ministry co-hosted, that the government plans to “regularize” cryptocurrencies in Pakistan. He went on to say that the finance ministry, the State Bank of Pakistan, and the Pakistan Securities and Exchange Commission are all working on a strategy right now. The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), on the other hand,...

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