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Cryptoknowmics 2022-01-20 13:00:08

Ravendex Launches Rave NFT Collection on Cardano Blockchain

Ravendex, a non-custodial decentralized exchange operating on the Cardano Blockchain, is launching 10000 Unique Pixelated Bird NFT collection on the Cardano network. Unlike most of the non-fungible tokens, the RAVE NFT collection will have real utility within the Ravendex ecosystem. For instance, holders from the collection can stake their NFTs to earn rewards in the form of $RAVE tokens. $Rave is the utility token powering the Ravendex ecosystem which has multiple utilities and use cases like staking, yield farming, governance. The token currently trades on Bitmart Exchange which pulls over $1million worth of trade volume daily. $RAVE’s daily performance puts it among the leading brands on the Cardano native tokens by daily volume. In addition, users can also mint their NFTs on Cardano by simply paying just 1/4th of a dollar as gas fees. As of now, over 7% of the total NFTs have already been minted. The decentralized exchange intends to launch the Automated Market Maker (AMM) Powered DEX before the end of the second quarter of 2022. Ravendex also entered a strategic collaboration with World Mobile Token to enable it to reserve an Earth Node that will “bring Internet access to remote areas in Africa,” the majority of whom are struggling with reliable access to the Internet.The post Ravendex Launches Rave NFT Collection on Cardano Blockchain appeared first on Cryptoknowmics-Crypto News and Media Platform.

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