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NewsBTC 2022-01-20 17:00:42

Ethereum Fee Averages Remain Above $30 Despite 35% Drop. Price Pump Incoming?

Ethereum fees remain high as the network continues to see some of the highest traffic in the industry. Daily transaction volumes put Ethereum in the billions per day and all of these transactions carry a higher than average fee. This fee structure which has caused concern among users seems to not be going anywhere, but there looks to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Recently, the average transaction fee for Ethereum transactions has dropped significantly. In the past week, the average transaction fee for ETH transactions topped 35% in total, but it still remains on the high side compared to other blockchains. Ethereum Fees Are Down Data from BitInfoCharts shows that Ethereum fees are down over the past week. It correlates to a 35% drop in fee rates, however, the blockchain remains one of the highest in terms of fees. Leading up to last week, transaction fees were averaging around $50 per transaction. With the recent decrease, this number has now dropped to $35 on average per transaction. Related Reading | Solo Ethereum Miner Hits The Jackpot With 170 ETH For Mining A Block This is expected given the amount of activity the blockchain houses but it is still on the high side. According to this report, Ethereum users are paying about $40 million in fees daily, whereas rival Cardano only sees about $87K spend in fees on an average despite recording almost identical transaction volumes as ethereum. ETH trading at $3,257 &#1...

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