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NewsBTC 2022-01-20 21:30:33

Russia Just Suggested A Blanket Ban On Bitcoin And Cryptocurrency

Russia has proposed a full ban on crypto, this includes both mining and use of cryptocurrencies. The country’s Central Bank suggested that the trading of cryptocurrencies must come to a stop immediately. In the report put forth in an online press conference, the Russian government along with the Bank of Russia suggested this regulatory measure. This blanket ban on cryptocurrency was tied to risks of financial instability and rising illegal activities. The digital asset apparently posed a serious threat to the sovereignty of Russia’s monetary policy. Russia holds the third rank in bitcoin mining after US and Kazakhstan. This recent ban on cryptocurrency comes right after the Central Bank of Russia displayed interest in securing information from commercial banks in respect to private money transfers. It also specified that the information collected will comprise of details of individuals who have previously traded in cryptocurrency, not only within the country but also outside of it. Despite Russia legalising cryptocurrencies in the year 2020, it always remained sceptical in regards to accepting the same as a medium of exchange. The report stated that this measure of banning crypto might after all be in favour of Russial as this decision happens to be the “best” and “optimal” one that safeguards Russia. “Cryptocurrencies: Trends, Risks, Measures” In the report, “Cryptocurrenc...

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