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NewsBTC 2022-01-26 17:00:45

Which Cryptocurrencies Suffered The Worse Collapse Since All-Time Highs?

Cryptocurrencies all across the market have been suffering major downside since the crash. The crypto market saw a couple of hundred billions shaved off its market cap following this. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others have all seen their value decline significantly in the space of a week. However, in all of this, some digital assets have been hit harder than others. This report takes a look at those cryptocurrencies. Metaverse Tokens Take A Hit The crypto market’s recent decline has been characterized by bloody streets. As expected, bitcoin’s 52% decline from its all-time high has dragged down other digital assets with it. Ethereum, the second largest cryptocurrency by market cap, is down 54% from its own all-time high. While these cryptocurrencies have seen major downsides, others have managed even more dips since then. Related Reading | Market Sentiment Crumbles As Sell-Offs Drags Bitcoin To $33,000 Metaverse tokens which made a big splash when social media giant Facebook announced it was rebranding to Meta and entering the metaverse space, have borne some of the largest weight from the crash. These tokens which rallied to multiple all-time highs in the last couple of months have declined as high as 68% from their all-time highs. Metaverse tokens take some of the biggest hit | Source: Arcane Research MANA, SAND, and AXIE are some of the most popular metaverse tokens and have grown a lot in price in accordance with thei...

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