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Cryptoknowmics 2022-01-29 06:30:37

Finder Predicts that Bitcoin Will Reach $94K This Year

According to Finder’s panel of 33 fintech experts, the price of Bitcoin is expected to peak at about $94K before completing the year above $76K. Furthermore, the panel predicts that the cryptocurrency’s price will reach $192,800 in 2025 and $406,400 in 2030. Bitcoin Price Predictions for 2022, 2025, and 2030 by Finder’s Experts According to Finder, a prominent product comparison website, Finder’s panel of 33 fintech specialists updated their Bitcoin price projection for 2022 on Wednesday. The panel’s BTC price predictions are as follows: “Bitcoin (BTC) is expected to peak at US$93,717 this year before dropping to $76,360 by the end of 2022 … This is roughly 60% higher than the price of bitcoin at the beginning of 2022.” The panel of experts also forecasted Bitcoin prices for 2025 and 2030. However, their most current expectations are lower than those made in October. The panel predicts that the price of Bitcoin will reach $192,800 by the end of 2025, down 7% from their October projection. They also predicted that the price of bitcoin will reach $406,400 by the end of 2030, which is a 28 percent decrease from their October projection. According to Finder, potential interest rate hikes may be prompting the panel to be more cautious with their forecasts than they were in October. Despite the fact that the FED did not raise interest rates at its most recent meeting, the market expects the central bank to increase rates many times ...

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