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Seeking Alpha 2022-04-13 18:49:26 teams up with Dallas Cowboys to expand customer reach

Cryptocurrency platform on Wednesday has expanded into American football after partnering with the Dallas Cowboys in an effort to expand customer reach, according to a blog post. Roughly 20% of U.S. consumers have crypto, said Co-Founder and CEO Peter Smith. In order to reach the rest, "we need to partner with trusted brands to help educate consumers and meet them where they are.," he added. Furthermore, "we’ll start with stadium and in-game activations, in which fans have a never before seen experience using crypto and web3 as part of their gameday experience," said Smith. joins a handful of other crypto firms that have engaged in sports sponsorship deals to boost customer engagement, including (CRO-USD), Voyager Digital (OTCQX:VYGVF) and FTX. At the beginning of April, raised more capital at a valuation of $14B.

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