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Cryptoknowmics 2022-04-30 09:35:41

French Bank, Delubac & Cie to Offer Crypto Trading and HODLing

Banque Delubac & Cie has become the first bank in France to be granted a Digital Asset Service Provider (DASP) license. The traditional financial institution will be collaborating with Swiss crypto infrastructure provider Taurus to provide Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Tezos trading and custody services. First to Receive DASP License in France French Bank, Banque Delubac & Cie has become the first to receive the status of Digital Asset Service Provider (“DASP”), to offer regulated digital asset Services in partnership with Swiss crypto infrastructure provider Taurus. The move comes following the introduction of the MiCA (“Markets in Crypto-assets”) regulation, in 2020, the first EU-wide legislative initiative that established a comprehensive framework for the issuance of and provision of services for crypto assets. Taurus co-founder Lamine Brahimi claims that the French bank will create a ripple effect into more and more traditional banks to consider offering crypto trading services. Banks are Dipping Their Toes Into Crypto Water Commerzbank, Germany’s second largest bank, applied for a crypto license with German regulatory agencies last week to enable cryptocurrency exchange and storage services. US banking giant Goldman Sachs recently offered its first Bitcoin-backed loan that allows borrowers to use Bitcoin as collateral for a cash loan. It was also the first global bank to trade Bitcoin options over-the-counter at Galaxy Digital,...

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