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Cryptoknowmics 2022-05-09 19:30:31

How Cryptocurrencies Can Revamp Global Trade and Commerce

The globe has been connected in terms of trade and commerce for a long time, and with the advent of the internet, this appears to be becoming more visible. Besides the import and export of raw commodities, average folks may now shop online at companies all over the world, further compressing the global economic domain. The introduction and rise in popularity of cryptocurrencies over the last decade have also had massive ramifications for global trade and business, some of which may endanger the current system as we know it. Cryptocurrency in Global Trade Every nation on the planet has some form of natural resource or another, as well as commodities. At the same time, no nation on the planet possesses every natural resource or product required to function, necessitating global commerce. When two countries trade, the resources or items in issue must be paid for, and this is done via fiat currency. For a long period of time, fiat currency was the only way for countries to pay for foreign exchange. Then cryptocurrency came along. The use of centralized money, however, comes with a disadvantage endemic to centralized systems: the potential of sanctions from powerful players. Consider Venezuela, which has been sanctioned by the US for several years. The country has endured hyperinflation as a result of these limitations, and its inhabitants have suffered economically. However, in recent years, the country has resorted to using crypt...

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