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Cryptoknowmics 2022-05-16 08:19:32

Which is the Best Wallet to Store at USDC 2022?

USD Coin represents an innovative stablecoin, which has a total supply of 51.2B. The digital currency ranks as the fifth most valuable asset backed by the U.S dollar. Stablecoins like USDC play a significant role in the global crypto market. Traders can use the asset as an exchange medium, store of value or a hedge against the volatile crypto market. Such applications make USDC valuable and convenient to generate a stable yield. In that case, the following piece hopes to highlight the best USDC wallets of 2022 that you can use to store your USD Coin. Best USDC Wallets of 2022 MetaMask MetaMask functions as a decentralized digital wallet that allows users to buy, sell, and receive digital currencies. Pros Customers can secure their accounts with a user-generated password and biometric solutions. A 12-word seed phrase is also available to aid in the wallet recovery process. The wallet allows users to customize their transaction fees. Transactions speeds are, therefore, determined by the set charges. The wallet’s browser is easy to understand. MetaMask is widely accessible across various systems since it is an open-source software. Users can integrate their hardware wallets on MetaMask. Investors use the app anonymously since the wallet doesn’t require any personal data. Cons The support staff extends limited support to users. Ledger Nano S Ledger Nano S represents an advanced hardware wallet that offers security to digital asset...

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