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Cryptoknowmics 2022-05-16 13:10:44

ICP Technical Analysis: Is It Finally Going to Hit The Bottom?

Hoping for a miracle is the worst thing that can happen when trading in the cryptocurrency market. Miracles are very rare, and in the case of ICP cryptocurrency – very rare. In our previous analysis, we wrote about the importance of the $14 mark and the total hopelessness in the ICP market. Unfortunately, our forecast came true and the ICP price broke the global mark of $14. Sellers managed to exceed our target of $10, lowering the price to $6. The fall was at high volumes and buyers have already managed to raise the ICP price to around $10. The ICP price continues to trade in a global downward trend. Thanks to the trading week on 9 May, sellers tested the bottom trend line of this channel. At the time of writing, the price is preparing to ram the local bottom and the price bounces up. The first target of buyers over the next two weeks is $12 test. It is in the $7-$9 range that a new consolidation can begin to recruit buyers. If such a scenario is realized, we will expect continued growth to $15. This mark should reflect the decisive battle for the downward trend. If buyers can break the $14 mark, you can look at the ICP cryptocurrency to buy. Technical analysis Of ICP On The Daily Timeframe Analyzing the movement of ICP price on the daily timeframe, you can see the culmination of sales, which took place on 11-12 May. These days, trading volumes we...

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