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Cryptoknowmics 2022-05-25 11:11:18

Swiss Bank Dukascopy Allows Deposits And Withdrawals in Tether

Dukascopy Bank SA, a Swiss financial services company, announced that it had enabled blockchain operations in ERC20 Tether (USDT) for holders of multi-currency accounts (MCAs). After Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), this is the third cryptocurrency that can be used for deposit and withdrawal from a trading account that has been approved by Dukascopy Bank as “crypto-fundable.” Tether (USDT) can be deposited and withdrawn by the MCA clients directly from or to their cryptocurrency wallets. As a result, USDT has become the first stablecoin offered by Dukascopy to its customers. Tether transactions follow the same steps as depositing and withdrawing Ethereum (ETH). First, the client must validate ownership of the crypto-fundable account by linking a personal blockchain wallet to it, after this, the crypto assets can then be transferred between the MCA account and the connected wallet. Dukascopy Crypto P2P Recently, Dukascopy Bank launched a peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplace for exchanging cryptocurrencies which provides a price bulletin board that shows the buy and sell prices for a specific cryptocurrency. As of now, the P2P platform supports 12 major digital currencies but plans to add altcoins and even non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in the coming future. A representative of the financial services company explained that its focus will be to secure the fiat currencies in the P2P transaction. The seller, hence, will be blocked from acce...

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