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Cryptoknowmics 2022-05-16 14:02:26

Binance Earn to Undergo System Upgrade on May 16

According to the latest shared blog post on the official Binance Twitter account, Binance has announced that the Binance Earn System will undergo an upgrade on May 16th between 14:00-15:00. (UTC). Some Binance Wealth Management functionalities will not be affected when the system upgrade begins, although wallet balances and transaction histories might not reflect current balances properly. Binance Earn Undergoing System Upgrade On May 16th, 2022, Binance will undertake a routine system upgrade for their Binance Earn features from 14:00 to 15:30 (UTC). Some of the functions that may be affected when the system upgrade starts is a possible inaccuracy in the display of user Binance Earn Wallet balances. Also, once the system upgrade begins, you may find it difficult to access your Transaction History. There will be no interruptions to the Binance Earn platform’s other functions throughout the update process. The system upgrade can take anything from a few hours up to a few days to complete. As soon as the Binance team finishes the system upgrade, all features that were affected will work properly again. The Binance team claims that they will not be releasing any more information concerning the system upgrade. Binance Earn is a comprehensive set of financial solutions to help you grow your cryptocurrency holdings. Consider it your cryptocurrency savings account. In comparison to a traditional savings account, bitcoin offers so muc...

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