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Cryptoknowmics 2022-05-19 14:30:37

UST can’t bring the end of Algorithm stablecoins

UST is an abbreviation for “Unstoppable Token”. The name itself implies that the token is designed to be resistant to censorship and incapable. However, UST cant is stopped or reversed once it has been initiated on the blockchain. TerraUSD tokens are built on the Ethereum network and use the ERC-20 token standard. The tokens are intended to be used as a utility token on the Unstoppable Domains platform. Challenges that face TerraUSD Since its inception, TerraUSD has been beset by a number of challenges. Perhaps the most pressing of these is the lack of widespread adoption. While the currency has made inroads in certain countries and regions.,However, it has yet to achieve the level of global acceptance that would truly make it a force to be reckoned with. Another challenge is the volatility of the currency. While this can be seen as a positive by some, others see it as a hindrance to its widespread use. Finally, there is the issue of regulation. As TerraUSD is not backed by any government or financial institution, it is not subject to the same rules and regulations as other currencies. This can be seen as a positive by some, as it allows the currency to operate outside of the traditional financial system. However, it also means that there is no one to turn to if things go wrong. UST has really been manipulated a lot, due to it not being pegged to anything. TerraUSD value has dropped so much since early this year. Moreover, hop...

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