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NewsBTC 2022-05-24 12:32:36

Phemex Mobile App Offers First Class Crypto Trading Even When You’re On The Go

Every crypto trader knows how frustrating it can be when there is an opportunity for a great trade but they aren’t by their computer. This is the reason why Phemex has launched its mobile app on both the Android and iOS platforms. The app offers a premium trading experience even when you are on the go. It is a powerful tool for making important market moves; all in the palm of your hands! Unlike most crypto trading apps in the space, which offer clunky and hard-to-navigate UIs, the Phemex mobile app features an intuitive UI designed exclusively with the needs of the users in mind. It’s so simple to use that even beginners have no problem navigating through the app. It offers all functions a user might need including spot trading, deposits, trading bonus, derivatives markets, etc, all right on the Home Screen. This saves users the hassle of having to figure out where these features are. The Best Of Crypto, All In One App The Phemex mobile app offers everything that a trader can think of. It facilitates various types of trading accounts as well as one of the fastest and most seamless deposits and withdrawal options. For example, a user can simply click Deposits straight from the Home Screen, fund their wallets, and begin trading with no hassle. Instead of just offering an option to copy a wallet address for deposits, it also offers the option of simply scanning a QR code to make a deposit. When it comes to trading activities suc...

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