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Cryptoknowmics 2022-05-26 08:00:33

China Supreme Court Calls for Mass Blockchain Adoption in Judicial System

By 2025, the Supreme People’s Court of China has asked the Chinese legal system to use blockchain technology to connect courts. In a paper released on Wednesday, the Supreme Court stated that blockchain could be used to verify and share judicial data, legal documents, and reports. According to the document, there are approximately 2.2 billion judicial certificates on the blockchain. According to the Supreme Court, blockchain will improve efficiency in court operations such as case filing, information query and verification, and communication among judicial systems. The Supreme Judiciary also urged that the court, law enforcement, and regulators work together across the chain. The court should also work with blockchain platforms to promote intellectual property protection, business environment optimization, corporate bankruptcy and reorganization, and the social credit system, according to the document. More Chinese Courts are Accepting the Blockchain According to local media sources, Sichuan and Inner Mongolia have recently declared their first cases involving blockchain-stored evidence. The Saihan District People’s Court in Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia, accepted a contract kept on a blockchain as evidence in a case involving a loan contract disagreement between the plaintiff and the defendant. The court examined the plaintiff’s and defendant’s evidence using the contract and reached its decision with no objections. In a copyri...

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