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2019-12-01 17:51:39

5 Websites To Instantly Buy Bitcoin With Debit or Credit Card

The post 5 Websites To Instantly Buy Bitcoin With Debit or Credit Card

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Bitcoin is on its way to becoming mainstream, but the biggest hurdle is letting users instantly buy bitcoins.

Most of the Bitcoin exchanges accept many payment options, with the exception of credit/debit cards. One reason for this is because of the irreversible nature of Bitcoin.

However, there are many legit Bitcoin exchanges that have started accepting credit card & debit cards as a payment method.

Here are some of the popular & legit Bitcoin websites where you can use your debit or credit card to buy bitcoins. I have tested these all myself.

Regarding using a credit card, most of these sites use your cash limit on the credit card, so you need to check with your bank to find the limit of your credit card.

So, without further delay, here’s that list:

  2. Coinmama
  3. CoinBase
  4. Bitit
  5. Wirex

Do note that, a few credit card companies have stopped allowing the purchase of Bitcoin with Credit cards due to the volatility of the market:

  • Chase
  • Bank of America
  • Citi Bank

List Of Websites To Purchase Bitcoin Using Debit Card or Credit Card:


I used my travel card (prepaid USD card) to purchase bitcoins on & it worked like a charm.

When you have verified your account, go to the “Cards” section & add your cards.

It may take 2-3 days for card verification, but once it’s verified, you can use it to instantly purchase bitcoins.

Pay via Card

Along with BTC, you can also buy ETH (Ethereum) using your credit/debit card.

  • Sign up for

2. Coinmama

Coinmama is another site where you can use your Credit or debit card to purchase Bitcoins instantly. Unlike other sites, CoinMama doesn’t offer Bitcoin wallet & you need to add your Bitcoin Wallet address on which you want to receive Bitcoins.

I found the price of Bitcoins to be higher here in comparison to However, this is another option that you should keep when you need to buy Bitcoins immediately.

Go to CoinMama

3. Bitit

Bitit is a France based Bitcoin company that is selling popular cryptocurrencies including BTC.

And they proudly claim to be the easiest place to get started with cryptocurrencies and I too believe so because they are selling cryptos in exchange of more than 10 fiat currencies.

Also, one can use their service for buying bitcoin from credit/debit cards instantly as they support Visa, MasterCard, American Express, & Maestro powered debit/credit cards.

The process to get started here is simple and as explained below:

And after verification you will be entitled to these limits:

  • Purchase up to 1500€ per week via credit/debit card
  • Purchase up to 2500€/week by cash voucher, e-wallet or direct banking.

Check Out Bitit

4. CoinBase: (USA customers only)

CoinBase is one of the most popular websites to purchase Bitcoin, Litecoin & ETH. They also support purchasing Bitcoins using Visa debit/credit card & the process is instant. This feature is available to you only if you are from the USA. If are from any other country, you should look at other options listed here.

To get started buying Bitcoins using a debit card on Coinbase, here is what you need to do:

  • Register for an account on Coinbase here
  • Complete KYC
  • Go to Payment settings page & click on Add payment method.
  • Select card & add debit/credit card.
  • Coinbase will make two small transactions.
  • Login to your card statement account & notice the small transaction amount.
  • Add it to your Coinbase account under the payment page (This would verify the card)

After this you can start purchasing Bitcoins anytime instantly using your added debit or credit card.

5. Wirex

Wirex is providing a complete crypto banking solution for UK residents and much more.

Using Wirex you can buy Bitcoin easily.

When you register on Wirex and complete you KYC you get access to a crypto linked bank account. Here you can top-up your account with a debit/credit card and use this top-up to buy BTC anytime.

If you are someone looking for a complete banking solution, Wirex is the way to go as they have their physical cards to available for the UK. Here is the deal from CoinSutra: Wirex Deal: Free Virtual and Physical Bitcoin Debit Card.


Exchange NameRating Based On Ease Of Use & Fee
Bitcoin ATMs6/10

I will keep updating this exclusive list of sites that allow purchasing bitcoins using a credit & debit card.

Frequently asked questions:

Can you buy Bitcoins with a credit card?

Yes, there are many services you can use to buy bitcoin with a credit card.

For now, it’s your turn to recommend any site that accepts credit or debit card as a payment method for bitcoins. Do let us know in the comments section below.

Also, check out:

  • How to Buy Bitcoin with PayPal
  • How To Buy Bitcoins With Cash
  • Best Methods To Buy Bitcoin with PayPal – 2019 Guide
  • When To Use A Bitcoin/Altcoin Mobile Wallet?

The post 5 Websites To Instantly Buy Bitcoin With Debit or Credit Card

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