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NewsBTC 2022-01-29 08:52:23

Fantasy Metaverse Island Bullieverse creates a Community-Owned Platform for Arcade Games

Bullieverse is ushering gaming enthusiasts and creators into unexplored terrains of monetizing creativity and novel skills in a community-oriented metaverse. The project seeks to lead a new wave of the digital economy through its open metaverse where individuals and digital creators can interact with each other, make decisions on the future of the virtual ecosphere, earn amazing rewards, and enjoy a top-notch gaming experience in an immersive environment. Driven by the mission to promote new levels of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), Bullieverse is dedicated to expanding its gaming world into a community-owned metaverse as more players and game designers join the NFT bandwagon. Built on a strong and loyal community base driven by high-quality experiences, the project is facilitating a player-controlled gaming landscape to encourage community development. Bullieverse adopts a system that fairly compensates its community of game fanatics and creators that appreciates its unique collection of exciting NFT designs, immersive gameplay, and simple, yet excellent game creation mechanisms. “At heart, Bullieverse is a gaming ecosystem. But we believe in compensating our community for their time and loyalty. Our users can not only own NFTs but can also use the NFTs to play our games. Our asset owners can rent and lease their assets to others in the community. The Metaverse can also host events and experiences that ou...

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