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Cryptoknowmics 2022-01-29 17:30:58

Guide to the Metaverse for Marketers

Technology is dynamic, and so are sales and marketing strategies. The Metaverse’s emergence is a relatively new phenomenon in the realm of technology and is gradually picking up pace in recent times. As digital marketing has progressed significantly over the last two decades, the metaverse has baffled many businesses and marketers. Will they, however, use the metaverse to their advantage to avoid being in the dark? Metaverse is gaining popularity as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) become more prevalent on the internet. Last year, it was estimated that around 85 million consumers will be able to experience AR or VR at least once each month. While the Metaverse isn’t exactly what science fiction has depicted it to be, it nevertheless offers unimaginable value as a new computing platform. Let’s Understand Metaverse The term ‘metaverse’ refers to a virtual environment where you can enter a completely different universe by using AR and VR equipment. That universe is entirely virtual, and technology is responsible for all inventions. It also allows you to test out a variety of activities, such as speaking with friends and new people, attending events, traveling to any site, and attending conferences inside the specific metaverse. You also obtain NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), which you may use to buy or sell your services. Once Meta transforms the currency into these NFTs, you’ll work with cash. Furthermore, you will re...

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