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Cryptoknowmics 2022-02-28 23:30:22

Bitcoin—a Neutral Money System

In Ukraine, the largest European military battle since World War II is underway, and Bitcoin has the potential to influence the result. People all across the world have already donated millions to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working to save Ukraine from Russia’s barbaric assault. Meanwhile, as the panic of conflict depletes the country’s ATMs, some in Ukraine are resorting to Bitcoin. Danish journalists are said to have used Satoshi’s currency to buy a car and flee the country in one example. Gold might have been used to barter in a conflict zone twenty years ago; today, it’s Bitcoin. Meanwhile, powerful crypto personalities, many of whom are as wealthy as Russia’s despised billionaires, are contributing their weight to the dispute. Vitalik Buterin, the founder of Ethereum, condemned the incursion on Twitter in his native Russian. FTX gave $25 to every Ukrainian on the platform, according to Sam Bankman-Fried. Bitcoin is now the only global payment system that won’t discriminate against anyone, regardless of their race, nationality, religion, politics, or actions. This is going to become incredibly important in the coming decades. — Pomp 🌪 (@APompliano) February 28, 2022 These are heart-warming tales of how cryptocurrency is assisting the Ukrainians, who are unquestionably the good people in this battle. The open nature of crypto, on the other hand, is a two-way street: analysts believe that Russia and its leaders w...

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