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NewsBTC 2022-03-08 16:55:52

How Religion Is Influencing the Blockchain Sector

The crypto industry bears all the hallmarks of religion: the mysterious identity of bitcoin’s founder Satoshi Nakamoto has elevated him to the status of a spiritual force. The influence of spirituality or faith has been present since the genesis block of Bitcoin in 2009. It is not a new concept that has come out of thin air but the level of influence of religions is now evolving into something new, changing the blockchain and crypto sector. With so many developments taking place in this space, the ”religion factor” is heavily influencing various projects. In fact, many projects are incorporating a religion-based approach to empower communities through blockchain solutions such as NFTs and the metaverse. Imbibing this out-of-the-box approach, MetaKawn — an NFT and metaverse project — is making headway into the Web3 space. They are building the first Metaverse inspired by modern Muslims, and open to everyone who shares the same human values. Moreover, they are Bridging the gap between content creators from every niche while also benefiting their fans. And, to add an extra layer, a % of royalties from NFT transactions will go to the Kawn Fund in order to support Causes (Charity Programs) and Creators. MetaKawn: Empowering Islam with Blockchain & Crypto Cryptocurrencies have been developed to facilitate peer-to-peer transactions that operate independently from the central bank. They were designed for borderless transfers...

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