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NewsBTC 2022-03-14 12:18:34

Cryptocurrencies That Will Impact the Globe

Bitcoin (BTC) may be a pioneer in the world of cryptocurrencies, but it is also quite a burden on the planet’s resources and harmful to the environment. That’s why impact tokens are becoming more prominent in the space now, with more and more portfolios boasting cryptocurrencies that support human development and sustainability with their ventures. Here are three such projects that will impact the globe in 2022. Bobcoin (BOBC) Bobcoin (BOBC) comes from Bob Eco, an electric vehicle company creating thousands of jobs and has declared war against pollution through the use of cryptocurrency. The clean energy company is on a mission to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy while focusing on emerging markets. That primarily means focusing on developing countries like those in Africa. Identifying the need for cheap transportation in such countries and learning the high amounts of emissions coming from older, highly polluting motorcycles and taxis, Bob Eco has found a market for its electric two and three-wheelers. These electric two and three-wheelers work with a vast network of battery swapping stations and are driven by people who get these vehicles on a lease-to-own basis. Now, in a bid to raise more funds for expansion and bring their green technology to more countries, Bob Eco released Bobcoins, a digital coin that is essentially a representation of the ownership of economic rights (e.g., including a share ...

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