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NewsBTC 2022-04-04 11:21:27

Creation in 2022 Isn’t Restricted to the Real World. Here’s Thomas Sevcik’s Astonishing Take On It

Four elements are essential for a metaverse world to take root and thrive, experts say: immersive realism, access and identity, interoperability and scalability. Achieving them without altering the laws of physics requires complex technology and financial tradeoffs. Take a quick spin through a few emerging metaverses and it will be easy to spot what their creators prioritized and what they had to sacrifice. Such tradeoffs are virtually invisible at Its creator, Frank Fitzgerald, has spent years working through the issues from every angle and optimizing for all four parameters. And he’s eager to show the world what his five-year head start and stubborn refusal to accept that anything is impossible has enabled., which launches in the summer of 2022, is so highly evolved that some of the best, most imaginative minds on Earth are flocking for a sneak preview. One of those great minds is Thomas Sevcik, the world-renowned architect and city planner. Sevcik, the CEO of Arthesia, works with businesses and governments around the globe, usually on vast projects. With a passion for the metaverse, creation and architecture, he wanted to talk about Here’s a recap of his comments. When asked about his career in innovation, Sevcik said, “I created early versions of the metaverse – in my quite real sandbox and on paper doing my own maps of imaginary land and cities. From there on it was easy” Hi...

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