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Cryptoknowmics 2022-04-07 12:35:40

Why Bitcoin Hasn’t Been Replaced as Premiere Cryptocurrency?

Thousands of digital coins exist today, but as far as cryptocurrencies are concerned, Bitcoin reigns supreme. At this point, no one, not even Altcoiners who hope to see their beloved Altcoin eclipse Bitcoin in the future, can deny the fact. Bitcoin is an ideal starting point for anybody interested in learning more about the digital currency sector. Despite this, altcoins continue to claim that Bitcoin’s technology is antiquated and will be superseded in the future. This is the renowned Proof-of-Work consensus crucial for Bitcoin’s continued expansion. To achieve true decentralization, Bitcoin relies on the Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism, so it will continue to utilize it in the future. After reading this, some may conclude that all it would take to replace Bitcoin is a copy of the protocol’s source code. Moreover, Bitcoin’s source code is openly available, and anybody may fork it if they desire. This has been done thousand times over before. By the end of 2017, there had been over 400 Bitcoin forks, both direct and indirect. The Bitcoin block size debate gave rise to a new cryptocurrency called “Bitcoin Cash.” They hoped to gain control of “their version of the Bitcoin network” by supporting Bitcoin Cash and therefore seize control of the Bitcoin network. That, however, never happened. Today, Bitcoin Cash is nothing compared to Bitcoin, and it will soon join the list of so many other Bitcoin forks. So, What Makes Bitcoin Ki...

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