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Cryptoknowmics 2022-04-21 21:00:44

Can Bitcoin be the new Status Symbol?

The present situation of bitcoin may be described in several ways. In recent years, it has gained widespread acceptance as a viable investment option and a means of exchanging goods and services. Much of this can be attributed to growing support from mainstream institutions and the present price trajectory. Even as the price of bitcoin rises, the public’s perception of it is evolving as well. While cryptocurrency is expected to play a key role in global financial markets over the next decade, what does this mean for bitcoin? Can its public persona transform from a nerd-adjacent notion to a genuine status symbol? The Changing Public Image of Bitcoin The general public’s perception of bitcoin has evolved significantly over time. Early on, bitcoin was viewed as a quirky technological concept that only the most ardent advocates would become involved with. This is because at one point in time websites were genuinely giving away bitcoin for free every day to draw attention to the digital currency. After the first big bull run in the early 2010s, several of these early investors made enormous gains from their bitcoin holdings, which led to additional media interest in Bitcoin. At the time, most people had no idea what Bitcoin was and thought of it as an odd internet concept, but from which few individuals might profit. By the end of 2010, the crypto market had been through multiple ups and downs and had reached its peak level of publ...

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