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Cryptoknowmics 2022-05-10 18:30:57

FTX US Opens New Headquarters In Chicago

The creation of a new headquarters in Chicago has been announced by FTX US, FTX’s US- regulated exchange. The new headquarters, which will be situated in the lively Fulton Market district in the new 167 Green Building, will house about seventy employees. This new headquarters for FTX US is yet another step forward in the company’s efforts to expand its American footprint while also strengthening its workforce in the United States. Helping the Chicago Community An FTX US major community investment initiative, overseen by Equity and Transformation, a nonprofit organization based in Chicago, was announced in conjunction with the announcement of the new headquarters. The initiative involves providing supplemental income to 100 Chicagoans, with each person receiving $500 per month. Financial literacy instruction, a zero-fee bank account with access to investment products, and the distribution of a Visa debit card are all anticipated to be part of the partnership’s commitments. Richard Wallace, Founder & Executive Director of EAT, said, “This project is a step away from punishing communities in need and a step toward repairing them.” In addition to its reputation as a major financial center, Chicago is also recognized for encouraging technical innovation, which is why it is home to some cryptocurrency exchange platforms. The partnership is anticipated to assist the city in leveraging the emerging blockchain technology to the benefit...

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