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NewsBTC 2022-05-12 12:46:48

From Play2Earn To Create2Earn: Take Your Seat At The NFT Moon Metaverse Table On May 15

At the beginning of the year, few were not impressed by the phenomenal growth of Play2Earn model games like Axie Infinity. Decentralised finance sided with the gaming industry and formed a long-awaited GameFi sector. What came to replace the Play2Earn model and why? Why is the gaming industry shifting towards creating metaverses and at what table retail investors can get a seat? Why is Create2Earn more sustainable than Play2Earn long-term? Let’s dive deeper into the main question: how to get a piece of the phenomenal $218.7 billion pie that is projected to be the gaming industry size by 2024. Play2Earn ups and downs In the gaming industry, the Play-to-Earn (Play2Earn or P2E) model came to replace the classic Pay-to-Play model. It was a revolutionary idea that came with a new tech wave: games stopped being a hobby for teens and became a multi-billion business that can even help people pay their bills. Ideas that came from the DeFi sector (decentralised finance), helped to create entire in-game economies where people could invest and earn by simply playing a game. But most importantly, in contrast with centralised games, all purchased in-game items were made in the form of non-fungible items, hence unique and liquid, even outside the game universe. The brilliance of the idea was immediately proven by the storming success of Axie Infinity which reached a 2.7 million user base by November 2021, just 6 months after its inception. Y...

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