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NewsBTC 2022-05-13 17:18:47

TC Mediacoin: A Blockchain-based Crypto Economy Where Content Creators Are Offered Freedom, Control & Unlimited Earning Potential

We all know that when it comes to freedom of expression, platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and alike haven’t always lived up to their promises. The landscape for creators is constantly changing with regard to what can and can’t be expressed, monetizing their content, and adhering to guidelines and rules policed by, well, who really knows? Therefore, artists, vloggers, influencers and entertainers have much to consider before creating and publishing their work to avoid being demonetized at best, or at worst, banned from a platform altogether, and all that hard work is simply thrown in the trash. One company led by crypto visionary, Sergey Sevantsyan, believes it has created the perfect platform where creators and influencers are truly free, and able to combine traditional ways of publishing and generating income with new opportunities like earning income from NFTs and crypto investments. Empowering content creators TC Mediacoin is a blockchain-based platform that empowers content creators by offering them complete freedom of expression and providing a multitude of ways to earn income rather than trying to control content creators. Here creators choose which content they want to monetize, are free to sell files, videos, create and sell NFTs, earn through coin farming and learn to trade in cryptocurrency. If you don’t know anything about NFTs, no problem, the company offers a turnkey service to help you create your own a...

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