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Cryptoknowmics 2022-05-14 15:30:18

Infinite Arcade Releases the Last Sale of The Gamer NFTs – The End?

Infinite Arcade, a web3 platform, has released its third batch of Gamer non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Players use these tokens as keys to unlock play-to-earn (P2E) gameplay. The first two batches of Genesis NFTs quickly sold out, and the final sale for players on the whitelist has begun. A month ago, the release of Infinite Arcade was to help developers and creators connect with players in a thriving marketplace economy. Infinite Arcade, like a metaverse arcade, has many games. Users can own a piece of the ecosystem and profit from its expansion. In addition, they can receive rewards for contributing to the game and community. At the moment, players can enjoy up to 15 live play-to-earn (P2E) games. Furthermore, there would be an addition of approximately 200 games to the platform in the future. In addition, players can earn TIC, which is the Infinite Arcade’s utility token. However, the primary goal of the P2E system is not to make money; it is merely a tool. The overall goal is to create an environment where people can play their favorite games, meet new people, and have a good time. Differences between Infinite Arcade and other Blockchain Games Infinite Arcade differs from other blockchain-based games in three ways: it is familiar, has many games, and is inexpensive. There is no need to spend hours learning how to play the platform’s casual games. You’ll soon be able to play hundreds of them on the platform that doesn’t cost m...

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