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Seeking Alpha 2022-05-18 14:44:44

MicroStrategy, Epicor combine forces to deploy auto solution

Epicor, an enterprise software firm has teamed up with MicroStrategy (NASDAQ:MSTR), a global analytics and business intelligence provider, to combine technologies for the deployment of a new auto solution. Specifically, the partnership will launch the so-called Epicor Predictive Maintenance Assistant ("PMA") via MicroStrategy's (MSTR) HyperIntelligence technology, which embeds instant insights within users' existing business tools, enabling wide access to data. Epicor artificial intelligence-powered PMA helps users, including service providers and consumers, predict upcoming events for maintenance and repair. Ultimately, this capability can contribute to businesses' growth by offering data-driven recommendations to their customers, the company said. Overall, "we’re innovating radically better experiences, like HyperIntelligence, to accelerate insight-driven decision making for everyone—not just data-savvy analysts," said MicroStrategy President Phong Le. Meanwhile shares of MicroStrategy (MSTR -3.8%), a well known hodlr of bitcoin (BTC-USD), are drifting lower in Wednesday morning trading, as the ladder swings back under $30K, recently trading at $29.2K. In January, MicroStrategy

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