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Cryptoknowmics 2022-05-26 07:48:55

SAND Technical Analysis: Overnight Sparks Bring High Bullish Hopes

SAND price forms a morning star pattern resulting in an early bullish reversal. Will this reversal break above the falling trend? Key technical points: The SAND market value inflated by 9.89% in the last 24 hours. The overnight growth teases a bullish breakout of the overhead resistance at $1.45. The 24-hour trading volume of Sand is $895 Million, indicating a rise of 175.81%. Past Performance of SAND SAND prices witnessed a dramatic buying spree last night, accounting for a price jump of 9.83% and crossing above $1.45, overhead resistance. However, the higher price rejection brings the prices back under the barrier. Nonetheless, the bullish attempt increase the chances of a breakout rally crossing above the falling channel. Source-Tradingview SAND Technical Analysis SAND price shows an increase in trading volume, with the bullish attempt displaying a boost of hope among investors. However, the price action confirmation will be the ultimate entry spot for smart buyers. A bullish crossover between MACD and signal lines encourages bulls as the bullish trend in histograms gains momentum. Furthermore, the overnight rise in the demand influences VI lines from the Vortex indicator to converge, displaying a bullish crossover. The Stochastic RSI indicator shows a bullish journey turning sideways in the overbought territory displaying a sideways shift. Hence, the technical indicators reflect a rise in the buying pressure going against ...

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