Minswap, a Cardano-based decentralized exchange, has just come out of a maintenance mode that lasted for about 50 hours because of a critical vulnerability. Minswap DEX Comes Out of Maintenance Mode According to an announcement post from Twitter, Cardano’s Minswap patch fixed a critical vulnerability that could have resulted in a large amount of liquidity being drained in the smart contract. The team used the same vulnerability to migrate all liquidity for all users to a new, secured, contract with a patch. At the time of writing, the funds are now all safe and the vulnerability has been fully patched. Users remain unaffected in any way, and their positions are the same as from before the maintenance mode was launched. The team also extended the liquidity incentives by two days for those who had stacked in the MIN/ADA pool with the LBE NFT in addition to airdropping LP tokens based on a snapshot including migrating over 40% of these tokens. The Minswap DEX went into maintenance mode for 50 hours, and as of now all vulnerabilities discovered have been addressed.In this article, we explain the vulnerabilities, how it was patched and steps forward 👇1/8https://t.co/tibGdLGKeo — Minswap (@MinswapDEX) March 24, 2022 Minswap Takes Over SundaeSwap by TVL Minswap is an automated market-maker (AMM) decentralized exchange (DEX) on Cardano which supports multiple pricing functions for a single liquidity pool. Since its launch some few we...