Current events point out how the Metaverse is a hot topic, with big companies like Microsoft and Meta staking claims. Initially, the term metaverse originated from the author of the novel “Snow Crash,” Neal Stephenson. He envisioned and explained how lifelike avatars met in 3D buildings or different virtual reality surroundings. Since then, various developments have been made, and mileposts have been reached towards creating a real metaverse. It’s a virtual online world that incorporates 3D holographic avatars, virtual reality, and even augmented reality. The metaverse is a 3D digital world where you can create avatars and do normal human activities like shopping or hanging out with friends. However, it’s all in a 3D virtual environment. The Sandbox, Axie Infinity, and Decentraland have digital worlds already functioning. Other large corporations like Nvidia also seek to expand into the metaverse by creating their versions. The Metaverse Explained In simple terms, the metaverse refers to the concept of an online virtual 3D digital world. The major idea and focus of the metaverse is to connect the globe through these virtual worlds. It envisions a world where individuals with common interests like being virtual sports fans or work colleagues can connect and interact in the metaverse. Axie Infinity and Decentraland have integrated various aspects that merge certain life elements into the online worlds. Even so, the metaverse is ...