Input-Output Global (IOG), Cardano’s primary development team, has effectively expanded the network’s block size by 10%, speeding up transactions and boosting the performance of its decentralized apps (DApps). This achievement comes as part of a series of upgrades to the underlying protocol planned for this year. #ADA On Track To Break New Grounds As #Cardano Undergoes Significant Network Enhancement — Darren N ☘🇮🇪 (@CryptoIRELAND1) April 27, 2022 Cardano Increases Block Size by 10% IOG confirmed the implementation of a proposal to increase Cardano’s block size in a tweet earlier this week. The network’s mainnet block size increased by 10% to 88 kilobytes from 80 kilobytes previously. The block’s maximum data capacity on the blockchain may record its blocked size. More transactions can be incorporated into new blocks with larger sizes. Expanding Cardano’s block size to 88 kilobytes, according to Input-Output, is a significant network development aimed at increasing throughput and scalability. DApp performance is also expected to improve, according to the business. IOG stated that it would actively evaluate the Cardano network’s performance over the following five days (at least one epoch) to determine how further the block size would be increased. The block size was last increased in early February when it was increased by 11% from 72KB. With the significant increase in ADA’s transaction volume in rec...