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The World Bank Will Not support the Central African Republic’s Sango Crypto Hub

The World Bank Will Not support the Central African Republic’s Sango Crypto Hub

The World Bank has expressed reservations about the Central African Republic’s (CAR) adoption of Bitcoin (BTC) as a legal tender and has stated that it will not support the recently announced “Sango”...

发表于: 2022-05-26 08:13:11

Portugal’s Parliament rejects Bitcoin and crypto tax proposals

Portugal’s Parliament rejects Bitcoin and crypto tax proposals

The Portuguese Parliament, Assembleia da República, rejected not one but two different proposals to tax Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, both... Continue reading The post Portugal’s Parliament re...

发表于: 2022-05-26 08:08:51

SigmaUSD: The stablecoin that the blockchain industry needs

SigmaUSD: The stablecoin that the blockchain industry needs

Stablecoins are an essential part of the rise of cryptocurrencies. They provide a stable asset for investors to hold their value until they’re ready to dabble in the volatile market. The fiasco regard...

发表于: 2022-05-26 08:08:46

Poloniex Partners with APENFT to Integrate Platforms and Merge Metaverse Strategy

Poloniex Partners with APENFT to Integrate Platforms and Merge Metaverse Strategy

Panama City, Florida, 26th May, 2022, Chainwire Poloniex, a global cryptocurrency exchange, has announced a partnership with APENFT, a leading non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace. APENFT will be live...

发表于: 2022-05-26 08:06:00

China Supreme Court Calls for Mass Blockchain Adoption in Judicial System

China Supreme Court Calls for Mass Blockchain Adoption in Judicial System

By 2025, the Supreme People’s Court of China has asked the Chinese legal system to use blockchain technology to connect courts. In a paper released on Wednesday, the Supreme Court stated that blockcha...

发表于: 2022-05-26 08:00:33

Commonwealth Bank Of Australia Suspends Cryptocurrency Trading Testing

Commonwealth Bank Of Australia Suspends Cryptocurrency Trading Testing

The endless possibilities and advantages of the cryptocurrency space have been a push for engagements. Several countries, brands, and individuals have plunged into the digital assets space to reap its...

发表于: 2022-05-26 08:00:31



24小时 24小时
BTC-USDT 142,790.05 4,249,853,430.12
BTC-JPY 38,513.20 43,492,594,767.03
BTC-USDC 28,237.18 290,205,138.63
BTC-USD 26,479.26 787,669,683.45
BTC-HUSD 9,824.91 71,930,239.26
Dominance Donut

Dominance Donut

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